Cross border Innovation Network - part 1

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Event Category: Industry event

Event Date: 15 December 2020

The INNO-VEG project aims to increase the speed and uptake of innovation in the field vegetable and potato sectors by developing innovative methods for carrying out research. The four-year project began in August 2018. In 2019 and 2020  field experiments have been set up in the UK, France, Belgium and the Netherlands to develop an overarching protocol for integrating crop sensing data into field research methodologies.

In a series of two webinars for the cross border innovation network the INNO-VEG partners will inform you of the results and progress of the experiments and developments. 

The first webinar is the 15th of December. The second webinar is the 27th of January.

To achieve the best results of innovation between the precision farming/sensor technology industry, research organisations and the field vegetable and potato crop sectors we will also hear about developments in other crop sectors including production in greenhouse (webinar 1) and orchards (webinar 2)

Program Webinar 1  (19.00 – 20.30 CET; 18:00 – 19:30 GMT)

  • Introduction and welcome by host   Cor van Oers , Delphy
  • The INNO-VEG project by project leader Lizzie Sagoo, ADAS
  • Autonomous growing, a look into the future. How crop sensing is done in greenhouse, Klaas van Egmond, Delphy Digital
  • Getting practical in the field, From zones to management, Hans Moggré, Delphy
  • From crop sensing to modelling. Experience from INNO-VEG NL, students Avans apllied Science
  • Implementation of crop sensing on farm scale, Leon Noorddam, Novifarm
  • Quiz!!
  • Conclusions and wrap up by Cor van Oers

Opportunities for questions and remarks

During the webinar is is possible to communicate by chat. The questions will be answered during the webinar.

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